On the Other Hand w/ Dan

Challenging Narratives

The chickens are locked away from the garden beds. Nothing is planted. Yet.

It is time to start getting some veggies placed, but I also need to keep the dogs from digging in the garden beds, and although the fence goes around the raised garden beds, there are no gates in the designed opening. Yet.

This is all going to come together in the next week or so.

Today, though, it is going to have to take a backseat. This post will be short, because my family and I are preoccupied with some more important matters. My wife is being induced this morning. While you read this, she is probably progressing through labor and I’m probably working really hard at trolling people on social media, or getting caught up on the books I wanted to read. There will be a few sideways glances from my wife as she struggles and I struggle to stay awake.

Eventually, all of my hard work will pay off, though, and our new baby girl will be welcomed into the world.

I joke, of course. The hardest work I will have to do try to remain patient while my beautiful bride is cursing me for what I did 9 months ago.

I do work at this family thing. I’m far from perfect, but I do try to instill some discipline and I love my kids. I haven’t met my daughter yet, but I already know I will love and adore her just the same. Most of what I do is trying to work for a better future for my children. I want them to grow up in a world that is better than the one I currently live in.

I don’t just mean the partisanship in politics. That is an element, but not everything. I mean that I want them to have fresh food. I want them to have both of their parents more present and more often. I want their parents to stay married not out of a responsibility to raise children, but also because we love one another. I had elements of all of these things, but I want to work to provide it more consistently for my children.

I also want them to learn more and have more. It starts getting difficult, because I don’t want spoiled brats, but I want them to never be in need while also respecting and appreciating what they have.

Part of that is why I finished the coop and the run for the chickens. It keeps them safe while also making dog care, or more appropriately, puppy watch, easier. We get fresh eggs and eventually some meat. Our oldest collects the eggs as one of his commission earning chores.

So that brings me to the garden. I worked hard a few weeks ago to move over 400 bags of soil into my raised garden bed after moving over 150 feet of linear 2 by 12 lumber and adding on to the beds to give myself numerous square feet of 2 foot deep soil and several square feet of 3 foot deep soil. It all used to be 1 foot deep and we only had about 150 square feet. Now I have about 150 square feet of 1 foot deep, about 130 square feet of 2 foot deep and another 50 square feet of 3 foot deep.

I busted my butt so we could plant this garden. I can give the boys another chore of watering the garden, but also ensure they get more fresh food and the experience of growing things…something I had little of.

The point is that everything worth having is worth working for. If you want fresh food, you need to be willing to work for it.

If you want a good family, you need to make an effort to develop that.

I might fail, but I will do my best to try. These kids mean the world to me, even the one I have yet to hold, and I will stretch myself to the last thread to try and give them a better life.

Most important, though, will be teaching them to love God and to respect and love their neighbors. The manifestation of that, in my opinion, is in a voluntaryist state, which is the real meaning of anarchy. Don’t believe me? Read The Anarchist Handbook to read a series of essays to understand the anarchist mindset and that it isn’t a left or a right thing, but an anti-state thing. The church shouldn’t be worshipping the state, and in any way that the state doesn’t protect life, liberty and property, it is invalid.

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