On the Other Hand w/ Dan

Challenging Narratives

In a previous post, I briefly addressed the idea of women and men being equal

They aren’t. 

That doesn’t mean there shouldn’t be equity before the law or in reference to personal rights, but it does mean that treating everyone the same in terms of expectations and participation is anti-science.

The NCAA recently came out with a requirement that transgender women, meaning men pretending to be women, are required to take testosterone suppressants. Get that? They understand that there is something inherently different about them that has to be suppressed in order to make it fair for them to participate in women’s sports. 

No determination was provided in the article about when that suppression would be required. So there is a chance that an adult male, having undergone transition and now on testosterone suppressants, could have completed adolescents as a male and then enter women’s sports. They must have guidelines to further ensure they remain suppressed in a permanent status, right?

I mean, if the athlete starts taking oral suppressants, and then just skips some occasional doses, it should be equal to performance enhancements, right? Will they verify oral doses? Will they violate patient and provider privilege and require the patient to produce medical documentation proving they have received suppressant injections? 

There are so many holes in this, and at the very base of it all is that they are admitting transgender women are not the same as women, and they are admitting something more concerning.

By allowing the “evolving science” which is better described as religion, or pseudo-science, into sports, they are going to change women’s sports. 
Initially the effect will likely be negligible. Most of the top tier schools will not buy into a gimmick just to win a couple games and enrage their fan base. A few will, however, when they place their politics above the athletes they have served their entire careers and they will start to recruit and place on scholarship men, pretending to be women, in role allocated specifically for women. 

Title IX is actually the reason so many female scholarships exist. It requires that institutions provide the same academic opportunities for men as for women. In relation to the athletes, Title IX is the sole reason most schools have so many female programs to begin with. There isn’t the demand from the fans to watch most women’s sports, and whether you agree with that or not, it means that they wouldn’t exist under normal circumstances. 
At least not most of them.

It is actually the demand for men’s sports, especially football and, to a lesser extent, men’s basketball which drive the scholarships for women’s sports. Since Title IX requires equal scholarships for women’s athletes, the schools have to come up with 85 scholarships for women’s sports in order to have a Division I football program. 
Very rare is a women’s program which is not significantly in the red. There have been a few that have broken even or even been mildly revenue positive, but it is honestly football which drives the revenue for the entire athletics departments. The majority of men’s basketball teams lose money as well, and athletic departments that do not include football programs usually have to subsidize their athletic departments with student fees. 

So what does it say to women, that those special scholarships that were allocated for them, will instead be used to bring men into the program instead?
It took special privileges to grant them a niche and after decades, they can barely scrape by without massive subsidies. Now, those subsidies and special allocations are going to allow for men?

It will only be a matter of time before those trans athletes trickle up. A conference cellar dweller will sign a 7 footer to float in the lane and block every shot and snag every rebound. That 7 footer will be on hormone suppressants and likely have fake breasts, but will be a 20 year old 7 footer that couldn’t hack it in men’s basketball. That cellar dweller will win their conference and the conference will either react by banning trans women, therefore being attacked as bigots, or the conference will embrace it and the other teams will start recruiting their own trans women to compete. 

Fortunately for women today, trans women are so small a percentage of the population that there really is no major risk of this happening anytime soon. Precedent will be set, though, and the Overton window will be moved. 

This is a regular occurrence. 

The right wanted to back the blue, and then looks in shock when the law enforcement shows up at their door to arrest them for gun ownership. Slightly more time sensitive is the idea of supporting measures to block what is allowed on media in order to “protect kids” or other moral sensibilities, and then the absolute rage when that power to censor is turned on them and their favored platforms. 

The progressives on the left sequestered a portion of rights and special privileges for women. Now their own politics will eat themselves when they strip some women of those scholarships and put men in their positions. 

Tragedy is sometimes comedy. 

The right wants you to believe we have to legislate morality and then is stupefied when they are censored and deplatformed. They want to routinely back the blue, but carry their Gadsden flag as if they stand in opposition to tyranny on principle. Then the left wants you to believe we have to make special provisions for women and minorities, who they must think are incapable of earning those privileges on merit, but then also wants you to think gender and racial identities are merely social constructs. 

Some have asked me why I can see myself as a libertarian when our politics seem on the precipice of a critical moment almost permanently. I take stock of those surroundings, among others, and wonder how anyone else can take any other position.

It should go without saying that we can be considered equals legally, without being considered the same. In Men and Women, Equal Yet Different, you will be provided a brief overview of the Biblical view of those constructs. Even if you think they are social constructs, that doesn’t mean the are meaningless or purposeless. Either they were designed into our nature for a purpose, or those constructs were bred into our species over eons for the survival and thriving of the species. They are important in either case.

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