On the Other Hand w/ Dan

Challenging Narratives

No. I draw a hard line in the sand here. I will pour concrete on the line, saturate it in oil and old tires, start it all on fire and have interlocking sectors of fire set up with multiple machine gun nests. This is unacceptable.

If you haven’t seen it yet, some alleged intellectuals actually made the case that pedophilia is a normal sexual orientation and that the public should accept it.


If you haven’t understood my emotional bias to other idols of progressive worship that came in the form of “science” or that were “well intended” I just ask that you take a moment to realize the argument that we should accept pedophiles comes from the same pool of garbage experts who can’t see past their own noses.

We should be careful. What was actually advocated was that not recognizing that pedophiles have this natural sexual orientation places us at a disadvantage when responding to and addressing the problem. This is an insufficient explanation, though. We have already seen now accepted sexual orientations twisted into all sorts of unhealthy dysphoric behavior.

I do think an argument can be made that statutory laws and ages of consent could be adjusted, but a wholesale scrapping of the cultural idea that children are not capable of making sexual decisions is wrong. For now, they don’t seem to be suggesting that. Unpopular though this opinion might be among the elite who already run pedophile rings and view us as tax-cattle, they are simply wrong. Pedophilia isn’t natural, so it can’t be a natural sexual orientation. They started this climb further into relativism with the sexual revolution. The idea that sexual relationships were just flippant enjoyment that could be openly experienced with everyone and anyone willing was a major progress for relativism, and the beginning of the end for any form of conservative values.

Families deteriorated and marriages eroded in the face of a cultural acceptance of adultery. There are people standing in that pass, though, and there are lines we simply will not allow to move. This is one, right?

Medically, we are already mistreating gender dysphoria by allowing people to have surgery, playing into their delusions. We have already adopted child abuse by allowing parents to let their children make a gender decision before the same child is even able to get a library permit. Society caved not because medicine or psychology decided it, but because the criteria was adjusted for political reasons.

Our society is sick. It needs a healer.

How do we get a culture that believes values and morals are relative convinced of the view that raping children is evil? Should it even be this complicated?

I shouldn’t even entertain the idea, but where is the cutoff? Are they only implying that the age of consent should be changed to 16? Doubtful, because there are perverts with a “sexual preference” for children who haven’t even reached adolescence. Do they suggest that even infants could be involved in these relationships? When is the child old enough to consent and voluntarily make a decision with some sense of maturity?

If you cannot palpate the disgust that the idea stokes within me, then let me be more clear. My child gets touched by anyone trying to explore their “natural sexual preference” and they may never be able to touch anything again. This should resonate with everyone, but I know it won’t. That is why I’m addressing it. Our culture is sick and they need someone, probably a group of people, to help guide them back on the path towards sanity.

So where are our church leaders? Why are they afraid to speak out on matters like this? Why have some church leaders adopted a more progressive stance on morals? Will those church leaders even have firm ground to stand on from which to condemn such vicious acts of violence against some of the most vulnerable members of our society?

One area where I felt like we had made progress was in the realm of consent. If you need a refresher, watch this video:

See, there is a problem with someone consenting when they are not really able to consent. That same logic applies to the young. There is a point when they are not able to really determine if they want to consent to something like that, and exploiting them before they have reached that age, for anything, is an evil that needs to be addressed. We will protect women who become inebriated, but now these learned ignoramuses, self-identifying as intellectuals, would set back actual progress by centuries.

It is appalling that TED Talk even offered a platform to these abhorrent people.

Under normal circumstances I want to open up to the idea of discourse. Even those I disagree with most. In this case, I am not even saying they should be silenced, but the discourse needs to happen now and those with the most firm grounding in truth need to stand tall and push back. I’m an advocate for the most vulnerable, and kids are more vulnerable than anyone.

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